Source code for

from __future__ import print_function, division

from collections import namedtuple
import os
import re
import subprocess

import pandas as pd
import pysam
from Bio import SeqIO

    "mm": {"species": "Mus musculus", "docker_lib_file": "/usr/local/mouse.hmm"},
    "hg": {"species": "Homo sapiens", "docker_lib_file": "/usr/local/humans.hmm"},
USE_CUSTOM_RM_LIB = os.getenv("USE_CUSTOM_RM_LIB") in ("true", "1")

blat_param = '-stepSize=5 -minScore=10 -minIdentity=0 -repMatch=999999'
star_param = '--readFilesIn {} --genomeDir {} --runThreadN 4 --genomeLoad NoSharedMemory ' \
             '--outFilterMultimapScoreRange 1000 --outFilterMultimapNmax ' \
             '100000 --outFilterMismatchNmax 110 --seedSearchStartLmax 4 ' \
             '--seedSearchLmax 20 --alignIntronMax 10 --seedPerWindowNmax ' \
             '15 --seedMultimapNmax 11000 --winAnchorMultimapNmax 200 ' \
             '--limitOutSAMoneReadBytes 400000 --outFileNamePrefix oligos_'

pat = re.compile('^[A-Z]')

[docs] class Tools(object): """ Parameters ---------- genome : {'mm9', 'mm10', 'hg18', 'hg19', 'hg38'} Genome build fa : str Path to reference genome fasta Attributes ---------- blat : bool Check off-target binding using BLAT instead of STAR (not recommended for large designs), default = False fasta : str Name of fasta file for oligo sequences, default = oligo_seqs.fa oligo_seqs : dict Contains all oligo sequences after generating oligos """ def __init__(self, genome, fa, config_path, blat=False): self.genome = genome self.fa = fa self.paths = dict((x.strip().split(' = ') for x in open(config_path) if pat.match(x))) self.blat = blat self.fasta = 'oligo_seqs.fa' if self.__class__.__name__ != 'Tools': print('Loading reference fasta file...') self.genome_seq = SeqIO.to_dict(SeqIO.parse(fa, 'fasta')) print('\t...complete')
[docs] def _create_attr(self, oligo): """Creates `oligo`, `oligo_seqs` and `_assoc` attributes""" self.oligo = oligo self.oligo_seqs = {} self._assoc = {}
[docs] def write_fasta(self): """Writes `oligo_seqs` attribute to fasta file""" with open(self.fasta, 'w') as fa_w: for key, value in self.oligo_seqs.items(): fa_w.write('>{}\n{}\n'.format(key, value)) print('Wrote oligos to {}'.format(self.fasta)) return None
[docs] def detect_repeats(self): """Detects repeat sequences in oligos, using RepeatMasker""" options = ('RM_PATH', 'RepeatMasker', 'RepeatMasker', 'rm_log.txt', ''.join((self.fasta, '.out'))) genome_id = self.genome.lower()[:2] cmd = f"-noint -s " if USE_CUSTOM_RM_LIB: cmd += f"-lib {GENOME_MAP[genome_id]['docker_lib_file']} " else: cmd += f"-species {GENOME_MAP[genome_id]['species']} " cmd += f"{self.fasta}" msg = 'Checking for repeat sequences in oligos,' self._run_command(options, cmd, msg) return self
[docs] def align_to_genome(self, s_idx=''): """Aligns oligos to the genome using BLAT or STAR Parameters ---------- s_idx : str Path to the directory containing the STAR index for this genome (not required if blat=True) Raises ------ AttributeError If `blat` = False but `s_idx` is not specified FileNotFoundError If a fasta file with the name specified by the `fasta` attribute is not found """ if (not self.blat) and (not s_idx): raise AttributeError('Path to STAR index must be set if ' 'blat=False') if not os.path.exists(self.fasta): raise FileNotFoundError('A valid FASTA file with the name {} was ' 'not found'.format(self.fasta)) if self.blat: blat_out = 'blat_out.psl' options = ('BLAT_PATH', 'blat', 'BLAT', 'blat_log.txt', blat_out) cmd = ' '.join((blat_param, self.fa, self.fasta, blat_out)) else: options = ('STAR_PATH', 'STAR', 'STAR', 'star_log.txt', 'oligos_Aligned.out.sam') cmd = star_param.format(self.fasta, s_idx) msg = 'Aligning oligos to the genome,' self._run_command(options, cmd, msg) return None
[docs] def extract_repeats(self): """Extracts information of repeat content from RepeatMasker output file for every oligo """ try: self._oligo_stats except AttributeError: self._populate_oligo_stats() # TODO: detect existence of .fa.out file here and echo the RM log contents if not found with open('.'.join((self.fasta, 'out'))) as repeats_file: if len(repeats_file.readlines())>1: for _ in range(3): next(repeats_file) for line in repeats_file: parts = re.split("\s+", line.strip()) oligo_name = parts[4] repeat_type = parts[9] fragment_side = re.split("\W+", oligo_name)[5] if len(fragment_side)>1: oligo_name = oligo_name.split('_')[0] qstart, qstop = map(int, (parts[5:7])) length = (qstop-qstart) + 1 if length > self._oligo_stats[oligo_name]['repeat_length']: self._oligo_stats[oligo_name]['repeat_length'] = length self._oligo_stats[oligo_name]['repeat_type'] = repeat_type msg = 'Repeat scores calculated' else: msg = 'No repeats detected' print(msg) return self
[docs] def calculate_density(self, sam='oligos_Aligned.out.sam', blat_file='blat_out.psl'): """Calculates the repeat scores and off-target binding for each oligo based on their scores from RepeatMasker and STAR/BLAT. Outputs results to `oligo_info.txt`. Parameters ---------- sam : str Path to STAR alignment (.sam) file from `align_to_genome` (not required if `blat`=True), default = oligos_Aligned.out.sam blat_file : str Path to BLAT alignment (.psl) file from `align_to_genome` (not required if `blat`=False), default = blat_out.psl """ try: self._oligo_stats except AttributeError: self._populate_oligo_stats() if self.blat: with open(blat_file) as f: for _ in range(5): next(f) for line in f: parts = re.split("\s+", line.strip()) oligo_name = parts[9] qgapbases, qstart, qend = map(int, (parts[5], parts[11], parts[12])) self._oligo_stats[oligo_name]['multimap'] += 1 self._oligo_stats[oligo_name]['matches'] += (int(qend) - int(qstart)) + 1 self._oligo_stats[oligo_name]['mismatches'] += int(qgapbases) else: sf = pysam.AlignmentFile(sam, 'r') for r in sf.fetch(until_eof=True): oligo_name = r.query_name if self._oligo_stats[oligo_name]['multimap'] == 0: self._oligo_stats[oligo_name]['multimap'] = r.get_tag('NH') for block in r.cigartuples: if block[0] == 0: self._oligo_stats[oligo_name]['matches'] += block[1] elif (block[0] == 1) | (block[0] == 2): self._oligo_stats[oligo_name]['mismatches'] += block[1] for oligo in self._oligo_stats: score = self._oligo_stats[oligo]['matches'] - self._oligo_stats[oligo]['mismatches'] density = score / len(self._oligo_stats[oligo]['sequence']) self._oligo_stats[oligo]['density'] = float("{0:.2f}".format(density)) print('Density scores calculated') return self
[docs] def write_oligo_info(self): """Writes oligo stats to oligo_info.txt""" p = re.compile('\W+') with open('oligo_info.txt', 'w') as output: output.write('chr\tstart\tstop\tfragment_start\tfragment_stop\t' 'side_of_fragment\tsequence\ttotal_number_of_alignments\t' 'density_score\trepeat_length\trepeat_class\tGC%\t' 'associations\n') for oligo, stats in self._oligo_stats.items(): oligo_parts = (chrom, read_start, read_stop, frag_start, frag_stop, frag_side) = p.split(oligo) has_fragment = True if (frag_start, frag_stop, frag_side) == ('000', '000', 'X'): has_fragment = False #frag_start, frag_stop, frag_side = '.' * 3 oligo_parts[3:] = '.' * 3 try: self._assoc except AttributeError: associations = '.' else: if self._assoc: if has_fragment: coor = '{}:{}-{}'.format(chrom, frag_start, frag_stop) else: coor = '{}:{}-{}'.format(chrom, read_start, read_stop) associations = self._assoc.get(coor, '.') else: associations = '.' keys = ('sequence', 'multimap', 'density', 'repeat_length', 'repeat_type', 'GC%') to_write = oligo_parts + [str(stats[x]) for x in keys] + [associations] output.write('{}\n'.format('\t'.join(to_write))) sorted_df = self._sort_file() sorted_df.to_csv('oligo_info.txt', sep='\t', index=False, na_rep='NA') print('Oligo information written to oligo_info.txt') return None
[docs] def _run_command(self, options, cmd, msg): """Runs a command using subprocess""" CmdOptions = namedtuple('CmdOptions', ['paths_key', 'exe', 'name', 'log_file', 'output_file']) run_options = CmdOptions._make(options) path = os.path.join(self.paths[run_options.paths_key], run_options.exe) print('{} with {}...'.format(msg, log = open(run_options.log_file, 'w')' '.join((path, cmd)), shell=True, stdout=log, stderr=log) log.close() print('\t...complete. Output written to {}'.format( run_options.output_file)) return None
[docs] def _populate_oligo_stats(self): """Populates _oligo_stats attribute with default values""" self._oligo_stats = {} with open(self.fasta) as fasta_file: for line in fasta_file: oligo_name = line.lstrip('>').strip() read_seq = next(fasta_file).strip() self._oligo_stats[oligo_name] = { 'sequence': read_seq, 'multimap': 0, 'density': 0, 'repeat_length': 0, 'repeat_type': 'NA', 'GC%': self._get_gc(read_seq), 'matches': 0, 'mismatches': 0, } return None
[docs] def _get_gc(self, x): """Calculates GC percentage of a DNA sequence""" gc_decimal = (x.count('C') + x.count('G'))/len(x) gc_decimal = float("{0:.2f}".format(gc_decimal)) gc_perc = int(gc_decimal*100) return gc_perc
[docs] def _sort_file(self): """Sorts oligo output file""" df = pd.read_table('oligo_info.txt', header=0) #df['chr'] = [int(x[3:]) for x in df['chr']] # this threw an error for chromosomes X and Y df.sort_values(['chr', 'start'], inplace=True) #df['chr'] = 'chr' + df['chr'].map(str) return df
def __repr__(self): return '{}(genome={}, fa={}, blat={})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.genome, self.fa, self.blat)